Discourse is usually a learned
discussion, spoken or written on a philosophical, political, literary and
religious topic. In linguistics discourse denotes a stretch of language larger
than sentence. Moreover, because a discourse is a body of text meant to communicate
specific data, information, and knowledge, there exist internal relations in
the content of a given discourse; likewise there exist an external relation
among discourses. As such a discourse does not exist in itself, but related to
other discourses. There different types of discourses like slogans, pluck
cards, dairy entry, messages, script of a speech, letter, posters,
advertisements, write-up, profile etc.
A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase
used in a political, commercial and other context as a representative
expression of an idea or a purpose. Slogans are used to convey a message about
the product, service or a cause. It can often use to capture the attention of
the audience, it is trying to reach. If the slogan is used for commercial
purpose, often it is written to be memorable/catchy in order for a consumer to
associate with the product it is representing. A slogan can be a few simple
words use d to form a phrase that can be represented in simple manner. The
language used for slogans are important. The use of good adjectives are paired
with describing nouns that help to bring the meaning of words through the
words. Examples of words that can be used to direct the consumer preference
towards a current product and its qualities are: good, real, better, great,
perfect, best and poor. Slogans can influence that way consumers behave when
choosing what product to buy.
Report writing is an essential skill for
professionals. Types of reports can be vary. They can be range from an
experimental report to an environmental impact statement. There is however a
basic structure common to most reports, irrespective of their type. Major
components of a general report are title page, abstract, what was the problem,
how was it investigated, what did you find out? And what do your findings
means, then table of contents, introduction, main body, conclusion,
recommendation, references and appendices.
dairy is a record with discrete entries arranged by data reporting on what has
happened over a course of a day or other period. A personal dairy may include a
person’s experiences, thoughts, or feelings, including comment on current
events outside the writer’s direct experience. Someone who keeps a dairy is
called diarist. Although a dairy may be provide information for a memoir,
autobiography, or biography. Format is a date, day and time on the top, simple
present, present perfect and future tense are most frequently used.
Message writing
A message is the method of conveying information in a precise and clear
manner. For writing a message effectively- use appropriate language style and
format. It can be written both in formal and informal tone. It should be clear,
brief and direct. General instructions for message writing: a message need an
address, the message must be put in a box, the key points are to be very brief
and precise.
Script of a speech
All speeches contain at least three parts: an introduction, a body and a
conclusion. In the introduction you state the topic of your speech, you tell
the main points of your speech. In other words, you can say what you are going
to speak about. In the body, you speak about each point in detail. For each point,
you must give the audience some information that will help explain and support
each point. The body is the longest of the three parts. In the conclusion, you
should summarise the main points of your speech and emphasis what you want the
audience to remember.
A letter is a written message from one party to another containing
information. Format of writing letters:
address of the sender should be displayed in the top right – hand section.
Address of
the receiver should be displayed beneath the sender’s address on the left –
hand side.
should be displayed on the right – hand side of the page on the line beneath
your address and should written in full format.
and greeting. Main examples include dear sirs, dear Mr. Jones, etc.
paragraph: the introductory paragraph should be concise and should clearly
state the purpose. Whether it is to lodge a complaint, make an enquiry or to
request something.
body: main body should clearly state the points that you want to make. As a
general rule it is a good idea to keep this as to the point as possible to
ensure that the recipient remains engaged. A longer main body may be more
appropriate when making a complaint as you may require to add more appropriate
when making a complaint as you may require to add more detail in order to
convey the importance of what you are putting across.
paragraph: the concluding paragraph should outline what action you would like
the recipient to take: to make a refund, to send you information, etc.
A poster is any piece of paper designed to be attached to a wall or
vertical surface. Typically posters include both vertical and graphic elements,
although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are
designed to be both eye catching and informative. They are a frequent tool of
advertiser’s propagandists, protests and other group trying to communicate a
message. The title of the presentation, the names of all the authors and their
institutional affiliations should appear at the top centre of the poster. So
that the interested attendees can quickly identify the subject of the post.
Advertising is how a company encourages people to buy their products,
services and ideas. An advertisement is anything that draws good attention
towards these things. Advertisers use many different techniques to get people
to notice their adverts, often using deliberately shocking or provoking images.
Once they have managed to make people notice their advert, they need to sell
product. They may try to make the product look appealing. Poor adverts can
damage sales or spoil a brand’s identity.