Tuesday, 9 February 2016


Language education refers to the process and practice of acquiring a second or foreign language. It primarily is a branch of applied linguistics, however can be considered an interdisciplinary field. There are four main learning categories for language education: communicative competencies, proficiencies, cross-cultural experiences, and multiple literacies. Increasing globalization has created a large need for people in the workforce who can communicate in multiple languages. The uses of common languages are in areas such as trade, tourism, international relations, technology, media, and science.
Pronunciation is the way a word or a language is spoken, or the manner in which someone utters a word. If one is said to have "correct pronunciation", then it refers to both within a particular dialect. A word can be spoken in different ways by various individuals or groups, depending on many factors, such as: the duration of the cultural exposure of their childhood, the location of their current residence, speech or voice disorders,  their ethnic group, their social class, or their education. Learning how to pronounce sounds, words and sentences correctly is just as important as learning the grammar of the language. Every time you learn a new word or phrase, you need to pay attention to spelling and pronunciation.
Conversation is a form of interactive, spontaneous communication between two or more people. Typically, it occurs in spoken communication, as written exchanges are usually not referred to as conversations.
The development of conversational skills and etiquette is an important part of socialization. The development of conversational skills in a new language is a frequent focus of language teaching and learning.


Online language learning


Hundreds of languages are available for self-study, from scores of publishers, for a range of costs, using a variety of methods. The course itself acts as a teacher and has to choose a methodology, just as classroom teachers do. Audio recordings use native speakers, and one strength is helping learners improve their accent. Some recordings have pauses for the learner to speak. Others are continuous so the learner speaks along with the recorded voice, similar to learning a song.

Websites and Softwares

Websites provide various services geared toward language education. Some sites are designed specifically for learning languages:

1.     Some software runs on the web itself, with the advantage of avoiding downloads, and the disadvantage of requiring an internet connection.
2.     Some websites offer learning activities such as quizzes or puzzles to practice language concepts.
3.     Language exchange sites connect users with complementary language skills, such as a native Spanish speaker who wants to learn English with a native English speaker who wants to learn Spanish. Users typically contact each other via chat, VoIP, or email. Language exchanges tend to benefit oral proficiency, fluency, colloquial vocabulary acquisition, and vernacular usage, rather than formal grammar or writing skills.
4.     Speech synthesis or text to speech (TTS) sites and software let learners hear pronunciation of arbitrary written text, with pronunciation similar to a native speaker.
5.     Web conferencing tools can bring remote learners together; e.g. Elluminate Live.
6.     Players of computer games can practice a target language when interacting in massively multiplayer online games and virtual worlds.

Some Internet content is free, often from government and nonprofit sites such as BBC Online, Book2, Foreign Service Institute, with no or minimal ads. Some is ad-supported, such as newspapers and YouTube. Some requires a payment.

Software can interact with learners in ways that books and audio cannot:
1.     Some software records the learner, analyses the pronunciation, and gives feedback.
2.     Software can present additional exercises in areas where a particular learner has difficulty, until the concepts are mastered.
3.     Software can pronounce words in the target language and show their meaning by using pictures instead of oral explanations.

If we adopt some of these strategies and get into the habit of focusing on the sounds in a word, and on the sounds of connected speech, it will make a big improvement in learner’s pronunciation and understanding of spoken English. They should feel much more confident speaking English. The use of technology and media has begun to play a heavy role in facilitating language learning in the classroom. With the help of the internet, students are readily exposed to foreign media and as a result, teachers are taking heed of the internet's influence and are searching for ways to combine this exposure into their classroom teaching.

Sunday, 7 February 2016


Alfred Lord Tennyson


SYPNOPSIS: True vile of death and the matter of continuity of life.
Ø to enable students to group the theme of the poem.
Ø to show the life situations of human being.
Ø to develop an awareness about the power of relationship.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: to familiarize students to group the life of warriors their patriotism and their family.
MEDIUM: video and audio [ENGLISH]
TIME: 4 mints.

Ø Shot 1 (30 sec)                             
The house of the warrior and        
the crowing sound of crows

Ø Shot 2 [30 sec]
Wife of the warrior and others are standing. Their faces show deepgrief [m5].

Ø Shot 3 [30 sec]
Setting the room to say the body of the dead warrior.

Ø Shot 4 [60 sec]
A close up of the warriors heart broken wife without any expressions in her face she neither speakers nor moves . The furious sea and its shot]

Ø Shot 5 [60 sec]
The progressions in emotions of women when the music lays her own body in her lap.
[cu followed by MS]


Ø Silence followed by sound of amelodious solo violin.

Ø  Music

Ø Song

Ø Music

Ø  Voice [noise of people in the house.

Music in background.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

innovative lesson plan


Name of the teacher trainee                  : Athira T Mathew
Name of the School                              : M K L M HSS
Name of the supervising teacher          : Mrs. Ambili R
Subject                                                  : English
Unit                                                       : IV, Dawn of Hope
Unit                                                       : The Jungle Air Crash
Issue                                                     : Power of Hope
Social issue                                          : Inspiration, Optimism, compassion, Trust etc.


The Jungle Air Crash is written by Juliane koepcke. She is a German Biologist, who is best known as the sole survivor of 1971 air crash. The Jungle Air Crash was an extract from her memoir When I fell from the sky. It is a true account of horrifying experience and her miraculous escape of a sixteen year old girl, Juliane Koepcke. She loved flying very much. She decided to celebrate Christmas with her father. In the aircraft, she sat beside her mother. Everything seemed normal. All the passengers were happy.


1.Ecologist- one who studies about environment.

 2. Ornithologist- one who studies about birds.

3.Aisle- a passage between rows of seats in an aircraft.

 4. stewardess- a women employed to look after the passengers on an aircraft.

5.Horizon- line at which earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet.

                                                  1) faces the challenges of life with confidence.
                                                  2) evolves strategies inorder tp come out of a difficult situation.
                                                  3) manages disasters effectively
BASIC KNOWLEDGE:  The learner,
                                                 1) has heard about plane crash
                                                 2) knows the power of hope

TEACHING AIDS           : Course book, Source book, ICT

               TEACHER’S ACTIVITY                                                  EXPECTED RESPONSE                                           RATIONAL     
      Teacher opens up the conversation which          Pupils interacted with great interest
creates a rapport with the students
      Teacher creates as mental readiness in pupils
By asking some questions related to previous
     .Would you like to travel in plane?                       Pupils listened carefully and answered in     Skill of speaking  
     . Have ever travelled in it?                                     their own words
     . Have you ever heard about air crashes and
       Its aftermath?
    Then the teacher shows them a picture of           Pupils listened carefully and shared their    Skill of listening and speaking
a air crash and asks them to share their views          ideas
and ideas
    Then the teacher said that “Today we are            Pupils generated curiosity to learn the
going to listen to a story of a sixteen year old girl   lesson
and how she handled a dangerous situation of a
plane crash with her will power and
     Teacher writes the title and the author’s name
 on the black board
    THE JUNGLE AIR CRASH – juliane kopecke


Ccc    fa

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ESSON PLA


Model reading by the teacher with students’       Pupils listened attentively with closed         Skill of listening                 closed textbooks                                                         text books
Model reading by the teacher with students’       Pupils listened and reads the text                 Skill of listening and reading open text books
Teacher makes the students read at randomly   one or two students reads and other           Skill of loud reading, silent
                                                                                                                                                                  reading and listening skills.
Then the teacher gives the summary of the        Pupils listened carefully                                   Skill of listening            paragraph taken.
Then the teacher asks the students to read        Pupils read silently and clarified their           Skill of silent reading                                                          each sentence and share their findings with
their counterparts
Then the teacher helps the learners to                       
 the glossary and find out the meaning of
difficult words and provide them with
situation and teaching aids to get the right
meaning of the words.
 Teacher shows picture slides to give clues to    Pupils listened carefully                                  Skill of listening.
different words and make the students to
arrive at its meaning by themselves with the
use of power point presentation.
Then the teacher asked some questions             Pupils answered the questions in their         Skill of listening and speaking
related to the paragraph taken                             own words.
 1. who is the author of the story?
 2. what was the occupation of juliane’s


3. why was there a holiday mood on the plane?


 Then the teacher asks the pupils to be in groups   Pupils engaged in group activity         Skill of listening
And write the profile of Juliane Koepcke.            
  Then the teacher directs each group to present
 their products. Teacher helps to edit it.
 Teacher presents her own version of the answer    Pupils listened attentively                    Skill of listening
 and present it as a power point presentation.


Teacher gives the summary of the paragraph        Pupils listened attentively                     Skill of listening
taken as recapitulation.


Write a newspaper report on plane crash?